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Mathew Gilbuena

Executive Producer


Executive Board

As the founder and Executive Producer of the Everywhen Project, Mathew Gilbuena embodies a unique blend of visionary leadership and creative prowess. His role as Chair of the Board is marked by a deep commitment to fostering a community where creativity and collaboration flourish. Mathew's approach to leadership is rooted in providing tools and support for dreamers to achieve their goals, underpinned by his belief in the transformative power of being part of a significant collective work. His passion for photography and videography, coupled with a personal interest in urban planning and simulation games like Sim Cities and Cities Skylines, reflects in his work, especially in the development of Constellation City. This synergy of personal interests with professional goals showcases his talent for creating immersive environments that are not only artistically profound but also pivotal in building community bonds.

Mathew has steered the Everywhen Project towards expanding its impact to a broader focus on community engagement and interpersonal connections. His extensive experience in various roles, from hands-on project involvement to leading substantial fundraising initiatives, has shaped his understanding of collaborative dynamics essential in creating resonant experiences. Mathew's leadership style is characterized by encouraging his team to embrace innovation, challenge conventional thinking, and surround themselves with brilliant, courageous, and spirited individuals. His forward-thinking vision for the Everywhen Project is not just to astonish but to foster a profound sense of shared purpose and community, continually striving to make a better world for all.

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